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St. Mary's Catholic Federation

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Transport - How to travel to our school

St. Mary’s Catholic Junior School

Scheme operation area: Alma Road, from a point opposite the south-western flank wall of No. 2 Alma Road to its junction with Shorts Road; Shorts Road.
Hours of operation: between 7.50am and 8.30am and between 2.45pm and 3.30pm on Monday to Friday inclusive.


Why School Streets?

In London, as much as 25% of rush hour traffic is made up of vehicles travelling to school. We know that children are among those most affected by high air pollution levels and that air pollution has been linked to asthma, heart disease and can impact lung development. Meanwhile, using active forms of travel like walking and cycling have excellent benefits not only for the environment but also for the health of our residents.

School Streets are a way of reducing air pollution and keeping children safe and healthy on their way to school. This is why Sutton is introducing 10 schemes across the borough. A School Street is a road outside a school which is temporarily closed to motorised traffic at school drop-off and pick-up times. Streets remain open to pedestrians, cyclists and exempted vehicles during the restricted times.


What to Expect

We began introducing street signs during October 2021, and the schemes will are live from 1 November 2021. This means that you will not be permitted to drive into the school street during the hours of operation to drop off or pick up your child from school. The restrictions will be enforced with Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras. There will not be any physical barriers to stop vehicles from entering so there will be no impact on emergency vehicles or other exempt vehicles.


Who Can Register as Exempt?

Residents who live within the School Street area will be able to register their vehicle as exempt and be allowed to drive into the School Street during the hours of restriction. Residents in the surrounding areas and those who do not live inside the School Street area will not be able to apply for exemption and will need to observe the restrictions at school drop-off and pick-up times.

Parents/carers of students with special educational needs or disabilities and parents/carers with blue badges may also be exempt, dependent on agreement from the school. Please contact the school directly if this applies to you. Please note that all other parking restrictions will still apply.

For SEND pupils please provide

  • Name of student
  • Name of Parent/Carer
  • Vehicle Registration Mark
  • Blue Badge Number (if applicable)
  • Reason why exemption is required


Emergency service vehicles, school buses and certain other service and utility vehicles will also be exempt- please check our website for full details.

If you need to drive to school please park further away and considerately on local roads and walk/cycle/scoot in. Parking should not be on yellow lines, zig zag markings, zebra crossings, on the footway or blocking access to dropped kerbs.

For more information about timings, exemptions and how the schemes work, please visit our School Streets web pages at bit.ly/SuttonSchoolStreets.


Parking / Drop off exclusion zone

St. Mary's along with St. Philomena's Catholic High School for Girls have agreed an Exclusion Zone of roads where we are requesting, parents/carers not to drop their children off or to park.

Parking/Drop Off Exclusion Zone - Map

Drivers please note the vehicle entrance into St Mary's Catholic Junior school is Via Shorts Road. St Philomena's school gates, of which there are many close at 9am weekdays after this time you can only access the school via Shorts Road. Vehicle entrqance into St. Mary's Catholic Infant school is via West street. Please note parents/carers are not allowed to park in either staff car parks and can only access the vehicle entrance's if collecting your child if they are unwell and with permission from the school office. 


Tranport for London

For families travelling to our schools via bus, please see below for the nearest bus routes to each school;

St. Mary's Catholic Infant School - S3 stops on West Street, SL7 stops on Pound street & High Street, 127 stops on North Street, 157 stops on North Street and 407 stops on Pound street & High Street. 

St. Mary's Catholic Junior School - S3 stops on West Street, SL7 stops on Pound street & High Street, 127 stops on North Street, 154, stops on Carshalton Road, 157 stops on North Street and 407 stops on Pound street & High Street. 


Train: The nearest train station for boths schools is: Carshalton Train Station