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St. Mary's Catholic Federation

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Subject Leads

Infants - Mrs Mason

Juniors - Mrs Black

Subject Intentions Statement - Learning, playing and growing together in the love of Jesus

Religious Education is taught in the light of the Gospel values and permeates itself into every aspect of school life. The school recognises that parents are the first messengers and teachers of their children’s faith and the Home - Parish - School link plays an essential part in our school’s Religious Education programme. 

It is our vision at St. Mary's Catholic Federation to provide all children with the necessary skills and knowledge that will help them to progress towards Catholic Christian maturity. 

This will enable them to fulfill the mission given to each of us by Jesus Christ. 


In school the children follow the National Curriulum Directory by using a framework recommended by the Archdiocese of Southwark called ‘Come and See’, along side our Discover and Wonder Curriculum. Teaching has a strong academic challenge whilst also strengthening the religious education of the pupils. We aim to provide each child with a framework for life based on the trust and wisdom of the Gospel. Our curriculum includes Godly Play, Music, Sacred Art and Outdoor Learning. 


Religious life in the school includes daily prayer, assemblies, regular celebration of Mass supporting the preparation for the Sacraments in the Junior School, which is led by our four feeder parishes. We provide many opportunities for worship celebrations and prayers and reflections. We aim for our children to contribute to leading worship in their classes and for their school. 

Catholic Life

The Catholic Life of our school enables our children to have understanding of their own value and importance as individuals, to promote their spiritual growth and social developement so that they can learn to give and share as well as recieve. 




