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St. Mary's Catholic Federation

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Home School Agreement

It acts as a reminder of commitments.

At St. Mary's Catholic Federation, Carshalton, it is important that parents/carers, pupils and staff, respecting each others contributions, work together to achieve the highest possible levels of success for all pupils.

Why do we need a Home School Agreement?

  • It acts as a reminder of commitments.
  • It underpins the school’s ethos and stated beliefs.
  • It acts as a clear starting point for new pupils, their parents and the school staff.
  • It provides a starting point for exploring difficulties.


Our Home School Agreement; God is at the centre of our Catholic  school.

This means that:

  • Each person is recognised and valued as an individual
  • Each child is encouraged to progress to the best of their ability
  • We provide a welcoming, supportive and purposeful atmosphere for learning
  • We work together in partnership with the home, parish and the wider community, to prepare our children for life
  • We promote Catholic Social Teaching in our daily lives.

 The school will:

  • Care for your child’s safety and well being
  • Ensure that your child’s achievements as a member of the school community are valued
  • Provide opportunities for your child to achieve a high standard of work and behaviour
  • Keep parent's informed about general matters and about your child’s progress in particular
  • Be open and welcoming and offer opportunities for you to become involved in the life of the school
  • Provide a balanced curriculum and meet individual needs
  • Encourage the children to take care of their surroundings and each other

 The parents will:

  • Make the school aware of any problems or concerns at home which might affect their child’s work or behaviour
  • Ensure that my child arrives at school on time and in the correct uniform
  • Ensure that my child is collected from school on time at 3.15pm.
  • Ensure that my child attends school each day and provide a note of explanation for any absences
  • Abide by all school policies including guidance for behaviour and support for the Christian ethos with special attention of those relating to E-Safety and safeguarding for children and adults
  • Ensure my child is supported in homework and other opportunities for home learning. 
  • Attend parent’s evenings and discussions about my child’s progress
  • Respect the privacy and rights of all members of the school community by refraining from sharing photographs and comments about other families' and school business on the internet and social media networks
  • Treat all staff, students and other parents with respect and be courteous at all times

 The school reserves the right to act appropriately on infringements of the above

The child will:

  • Follow the words and actions of Jesus
  • Follow the school behaviour principles
  • Do all classwork and homework as well as they can
  • Wear the school uniform and be tidy in appearance
  • Respect all property including that of the school, and others
  • Tell an adult is worried about anything or anyone

Together we will:

  • Promote the Mission Statement and develop the faith of our children through the home, school, parish links.
  • Understand and support each child’s individual needs. 
  • Promote the school principles to include:


1. Be respectful

2. Be kind

3. Be ambitious

4. Be honest

5. Be safe

6. Be responsible