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Parent Teacher Meetings

Parent-Teacher meetings help us to keep parents informed as to the progress their child has made and share ideas for supporting them at home.  We value the opportunity to talk with you and share your child's work, and also to hear from you about your child.

We hold routine Parent-Teacher Meetings at 2 points across the year: the first meeting is in October and the second is in February, with a further option in response to the final school report in July. 

We hold seperate meetings a week before for Children with Additional Needs and allow a slightly longer time of 15 minutes with the class teacher. A week later is the regular Parent Teacher meetings and these run for 10 minutes with the class teacher. We have upto 3 days spread over the week, with one booked on the same day and running until later in the evening, for the confeniances of parents having children across both schools. 

Dates will be advertised nearer to the times via the newsletter and website and parents will sign up via our online system.  Support will be offered at school to sign up, where needed.

Infant School Booking System (only when booking window open)

Junior School Booking System (only when booking window open)