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Leaving St. Mary's

If you are leaving us for another school, first of all we will be sad to see you go!

If there is an issue in school that you need help with please contact one of the leadership team through the school office.

Transfers to secondary school at the end of Y6 are not part of these special procedures.

We do need to comply with UK legislation on the movement of children, please therefore provide us with:

Transfers within the UK

  • the date of transfer
  • the name and address of your new school.
  • if you are moving house please let us know your new address

Transfer to schools outside the UK

  • proof of your departure through a flight/ferry/train booking
  • your new home address and contact information
  • details of your new school and confirmation, in writing, of admission.

We will then register your move with the relevant authorities.

Thank you for your cooperation and please contact the school office for support with these requests if needed.