Curriculum Subjects
Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1125)
Religious Studies
Religious Studies
Subject Leads Infants - Mrs Mason Juniors - Mrs Black Subject Intentions Statement - Learning, playing and growing together in the love of Jesus Religious Education is taught in the light of the Gospel values and permeates itself into every aspect of school life. The school recognises that parents are the first messengers and teachers of their children’s faith and the Home - Parish - School link plays an essential part in our school’s Religious Education programme. It is our vision at St. Mary's Catholic Federation to provide all children with the necessary skills and knowledge that will help them to progress towards Catholic Christian maturity. This will enable them to fulfill the mission given to each of us by Jesus Christ. Curriulum In school the children follow the National Curriulum Directory by using a framework recommended by the Archdiocese of Southwark called ‘Come and See’, along side our Discover and Wonder Curriculum. Teaching has a strong academic challenge whilst also strengthening the religious education of the pupils. We aim to provide each child with a framework for life based on the trust and wisdom of the Gospel. Our curriculum includes Godly Play, Music, Sacred Art and Outdoor Learning. Worship Religious life in the school includes daily prayer, assemblies, regular celebration of Mass supporting the preparation for the Sacraments in the Junior School, which is led by our four feeder parishes. We provide many opportunities for worship celebrations and prayers and reflections. We aim for our children to contribute to leading worship in their classes and for their school. Catholic Life The Catholic Life of our school enables our children to have understanding of their own value and importance as individuals, to promote their spiritual growth and social developement so that they can learn to give and share as well as recieve.
Subject Leads
Infants - Miss Said
Juniors - Mr Pratsis
Subject Intentions Statement - Pupils grow in their love for reading and writing, surrounded by a rich language environment to develop the confidence and skills to express themselves, both as authors of many purposes and to explore inspiring texts from all over the world and from authors of a variety of backgrounds.
We love books at St Mary’s and enjoy studying them in the daily English lessons. The children understand that texts help with their own writing. Through sharing books and screen based texts as a class, the pupils get to know the characters and this helps them to understand their behaviour in the stories. Sometimes we use films, pictures by artists or drama to help in the writing processes. In addition to reading and writing we also investigate and learn phonics, spelling patterns and punctuation and classes have weekly dictation spelling tests in KS2. Books are provided for children to take home and read alone with their families and we have a school diary in which to record these. Pupils read regularly with their teachers in Guided Reading in small groups.
Subject Leads
Infants - Mr Landowski / Miss Santos
Juniors - Mr Landowski
Subject Intentions Statement - Through a mastery approach pupils become confident and independent mathematicians growing strong fluency and problem solving skills that are applied to maths lessons and daily life.
Mathematics is a vital component of the curriculum providing a way of viewing and making sense of the world. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. We aim for every pupil to become confidently numerate and to develop mathematical skills and understanding for life.
As a core subject mathematics is taught daily in class groups and is based on the national curriculum with a strong emphasis on the “Maths Mastery” approach. All pupils learn through the concrete – pictorial – abstract approach; the aim being to ensure that all pupils:- become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
- reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
- can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions
- acquire the necessary skills and fluency to recognize and make links between areas of mathematics and to move between representations of mathematical ideas
- apply their mathematical knowledge to science and other subjects
Subject Intentions Statement - “Ignite pupils' curiosity, encourage discovery and develop a deeper understanding of the world we live in.”
We aim to encourage children to explore and investigate their world, to understand key concepts and use scientific methods of investigation. Pupils will be given opportunities to learn through active engagement in order to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in the areas explored. Through activities we encourage certain attitudes such as respect for living organisms and the physical environment and a willingness to tolerate uncertainty and co-operation with others. We also encourage specific use of scientific vocabulary.
Subject Leads
Infants - Mrs Kwasniewska
Juniors - Mrs Framp
Subject Intentions Statement - Art and Design allows children of all ages and abilities the opportunity to communicate, explore and experiment in a creative and varied manner.
Children at St Mary’s experience a range of art activities and encounter the work of a range of artists. They work alone, in groups and as a class on a curriculum which includes drawing, colour, textiles, collage, three dimensional work, printmaking and painting. In the Junior School each child has a sketchbook which informs their work and provides a record of how ideas have developed and many lessons take place in the school studio which is timetabled for music and art lessons. Work is displayed in school and photographed so it can then be taken home.
Our Creativity days allow the children to work on shorter art activities unconnected to the class curriculum. Previous themes have been Easter, Artists around the World, Artists from Many Cultures and Olympics. On these days the children work in groups of mixed year groups giving the opportunity to work alongside other children and extending the skills of all pupils including those with a talent for art. All pupils have the opportunity to complete all activities.
Subject Leads
Infants - Miss Santos
Juniors - Mr Awadalla
Subject Intentions Statement - To inspire pupils’ to be critical thinkers, responsible digital citizens, apply and embrace new technology to empower pupils to be lifelong learners.
As Computing underpins today’s modern lifestyle, it is essential that all pupils gain the confidence and ability, that they need in this subject, to prepare them for the challenge of a rapidly developing and changing technological world. The use of technology will enhance and extend children’s learning across the whole curriculum whilst developing motivation and social skills. The use of G-Suite (Google Platform) is available from Nursery to Year 6 to ensure essential communication between school and home.
Our aims are to:
Allow staff and children to gain confidence in and enjoyment from, the use of Computing. Additionally, to allow staff to develop professionally by enhancing their teaching, management and administrative skills;
Allow children to achieve specific computing skills as set down in the school’s scheme of work;
Allow children to appreciate the relevance of computing in our society and that they see it as an essential tool for learning, communication, finding information and for controlling and understanding their environment.
Children have lessons in the Computer Suite in addition to shared use of laptops, IPads and Chromebooks. These are used to enhance other curriculum areas. They have access to a wide variety of software to support every step of their learning. Children are asked to bring in their own set of earphones for use in this subject when entering the Junior School.
Design & Technology
Design & Technology
Subject Leads
Infants - SLT
Juniors - Mrs Kierlinger and SLT
Subject Intentions Statement - Pupils are inspired to design, build, critique and evaluate products through a variety of technologies.
Our aim is to provide pupils with the opportunity to design and make, in activities which span the curriculum and for pupils to apply knowledge and skills to solve practical problems. Children develop independence and have access to all basic materials (including food) and a range of tools and equipment. They are encouraged to take responsibility for their work and to draw on their knowledge and understanding, to devise a method or solution in order to create, and then evaluate during and at the end of the process.
Subject Intentions Statement - Pupils grow in their love and knowledge of the world God made.
In our teaching of geography, all children are given opportunities to use geographical enquiry and skills when developing knowledge and understanding of places, patterns and processes, and environmental change and sustainable development. These are taught through studies of local areas as well as other countries. This incorporates the use of maps, globes, atlas and compasses to enhance learning.
Subject Lead
Infants - Mrs Green
Juniors - Mrs Green
Subject Intentions Statement - Igniting pupils’ curiosity so that they can learn from the past to understand the present and inform the future.
Through History lessons children are given the opportunity to develop their skills of exploration and analysis. They ask and answer questions and learn how to interpret evidence and draw their own conclusions. Children learn about the past through topic days, workshops, visits, research and enquiry.
Modern Foreign Languages - Juniors
Modern Foreign Languages - Juniors
Subject Leads
Juniors - Ms Shmyhelska & Mr Wood
Subject Intentions Statement - Pupils to experience french culture and become linguists.
At St Mary’s Catholic Junior school we aim for the children to be aware of the multi-cultural world through teaching a modern foreign language. This ensures an early start towards competence in a foreign language and to develop their cultural knowledge and awareness, extending the children’s horizons. We provide all of our pupils the opportunity to learn and experience languages and other cultures. French is taught every week with this learning being supported by short inputs throughout the week; for example during the register/greeting and labels in the school.
Subject Leads
Infants - Mr Patrick
Juniors - Mrs Patrick
Subject Intentions Statement - Pupils building confidence and creativity through a love of music.
Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity. A high-quality music education should engage and inspire pupils resulting in an increase in their development to a love of music and their talent as musicians, and so increase their self-confidence, creativity and sense of achievement. As pupils progress, they should develop a critical engagement with music allowing them to perform, compose, and to listen to a variety of genres and culture whilst studying the inter-related dimensions of music.
Instrumental as well as singing within lessons is at the centre of the curriculum. It enhances their musical skills, develops their aural awareness and their ability to apply their knowledge and understanding in their compositions. Project work includes music from different cultures and times including the use of musical instruments and an introduction to reading music notation. The Sutton Music Service provides instrumental lessons for Years 2 and 4 under the Wider Opportunities Scheme. In Year 2 all the children learn to play the Djembe and Recorder and in Year 4 all children learn to play the Violin or Cello. Year 6 learn Ukulele in the Autumn Term, which builds on the instrumental skills from Year 4.
At the Junior school, Choir is open to all children as a morning school club and at the Infant’s school as a afterschool club for Year 2.
A hymn practice and Sing and Praise is held for the whole school on a regular basis, as a preparation for assemblies, masses and other religious celebrations.
Several peripatetic teachers provide extra-curricular lessons in guitar, violin, trumpet, trombone, cello and piano during class time in the Junior School and piano during class time in the Infant School. (There is a charge for these lessons and parents who wish their child to learn a musical instrument should place their names on a waiting list in the school office.)
The school aims, among other things, to develop children socially, culturally and spiritually. Music makes a significant contribution to all these areas and it is our aim for our children to leave our school confident that they have developed skills in performing, composing, listening and appraising and confident that they can express ideas and feelings through the medium of sound.
Topics for each year group
Autumn - Me, myself and I and The Very Hopeless Camel
Spring - Come Outside, Terrific Tales
Summer - Ticket to Ride, Fun at the Seaside
Autumn - Me! And The little angel gets her wings
Spring - Everyone and Our world
Summer - Big Bear and Our stories
Year 1
Autumn - Christmas carols round the crib, Rhythm Still,/ Jack and the Beanstalk
Spring - Graphic Scare, Peter and the Wolf
Summer - The Gingerbread Man, Carnival of the Animals
Year 2
Autumn - Whole Class Diembe Drumming
Spring - Advent Service
Summer - Whole Class Glockenspiel
Year 3
Autumn - Musical Structure and the Nativity
Spring - Styles of Jazz, Indian Classical
Summer - Music of the Four Nations, Composing
Year 4
Autumn - Wider Opportunities Violin and Cello - Explore
Spring - Wider Opportunities Violin and Cello - First Finger
Summer - Wider Opportunities Violin and Cello - Perform
Year 5
Autumn - Musical Theatre
Spring - Charanga Yu Studio and Easter Reflection
Summer - Musical Notation
Year 6
Autumn - Whole Class Ukelele
Spring - Whole Class Ukelele
Summer - Production
Physical Education
Physical Education
Subject Leads
Infants - Miss McGowan
Juniors - Miss Miller
Subject Intentions Statement - Developing pupils' love of physical activity, for life.
At St. Mary's we offer a PE curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give all pupils the knowledge and cultural capital they need to develop a love for being physically active. We aspire to give all children experiences across a diverse range of sports and activities. This will create an environment that encourages all pupils to succeed and excel in a range of competitive and non-competitive sports and physical activities. This journey through sport and physical activity at St. Mary’s will develop a child's own knowledge to understand their own health and fitness and a love of physical activity, for life.
Subject Leads
Infants - Mr Riccio
Juniors - Mrs Golding
Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education
Subjects Intentions Statement - Children have confidence in who they are and how to interact with school life and the wider world positively and safely.
These two titles form the basis for the personal and pastoral aspects of the school, emerging primarily from the Religious Education curriculum. Much of this learning however, takes place beyond the curriculum.
“Personal, social, health education (PSHE) help to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active, responsible citizens” The National Curriculum
PSHE is taught both discretely and integrated with other subjects. The school council discusses matters of interest with the elected pupils who convey the agenda and decisions to the rest of the children in the class through Class Council.
Relationship education lays its emphasis loving relationships, through the teaching alongside Ten Ten Life to the Full curriculum. Parents are consulted and given the opportunity to watch the video before these are shown to prior children and we accept that they have a right to withdraw their children from seeing in discussion with the school, parents have the option to withdraw their child the video and subsequent follow-up sessions. Through Ten Tens Life to the Full curriculum this introduces learning The programme of Education to all from Nursery to Year 6 on the recommendation of the Education Commission.
The National Curriculum can be found here and the link for each subject can be found on their corresponding page.