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Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic social teaching is used in many subjects, history, geography and English, it is not taught just in RE.  Many of our assemblies feature Catholic Social Teaching, we discuss world events and how our faith challenges us to respond in a particular way.

We teach our children to be thoughtful about and challenging of the world's organisations and communities, we must work together to build a better world for the future.

Human Dignity - Everyone is special (Luc the Deer)

We are beautifully made in the image and likeness of God. 

"God said, 'Let us make human-kind in our image, according to olur likeness. 'Genesis 1:26"

'Every person is worthy of our giving... they are God's handiwork, his creation. God created that person in his image, and his or she reflects something of God's glory. Every human being is the object of God's infinite tenderness, and he himself is present in their lives.'

Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium (The joy of the Gospel) #274, 2013


Thinking of Everyone - The Common Good (Chikondi the Giraffe)

 We are called to work for the good of each and of all.

 Participation - Taking part (Patariki the Penguin)

We all have the right and duty to participate fully in society. 

We believe in taking part. This means we know we live in a community with others, and we are Growing together

Subsidiarity - Everyone should have a say (Sid the Sheep)

We are called to empower communities, to let everyone have a say. 

Stewardship - Caring for God's gifts (Sofia the Sloth)

We are guardians of God's creation, living sustainably and enhancing the wellbeing of our planet. 

Solidarity - Showing we Care (Shristi the Sun Bear)

God created us as one global family called to support our brothers and sisters. 

Preferential Option for the Poor - Putting people most in need first (Poppy the Popokatea)

The needs of poor and vulnerable people should be put first. 

Distributive Justice - Sharing Fairly (DJ the Dolphin)

Everyone should have access to their fair share of resources

Promoting Peace - Being Peacemakers (Daisy the Dove)

We can be God's instruments of peace through seeking justice.