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Subject Leads

Infants - Miss Santos

Juniors - Mr Awadalla

Subject Intentions Statement - To inspire pupils’ to be critical thinkers, responsible digital citizens, apply and embrace new technology to empower pupils to be lifelong learners.

As Computing underpins today’s modern lifestyle, it is essential that all pupils gain the confidence and ability, that they need in this subject, to prepare them for the challenge of a rapidly developing and changing technological world. The use of technology will enhance and extend children’s learning across the whole curriculum whilst developing motivation and social skills. The use of G-Suite (Google Platform) is available from Nursery to Year 6 to ensure essential communication between school and home.

Our aims are to:

Allow staff and children to gain confidence in and enjoyment from, the use of Computing. Additionally, to allow staff to develop professionally by enhancing their teaching, management and administrative skills;

Allow children to achieve specific computing skills as set down in the school’s scheme of work;

Allow children to appreciate the relevance of computing in our society and that they see it as an essential tool for learning, communication, finding information and for controlling and understanding their environment.

Children have lessons in the Computer Suite in addition to shared use of laptops, IPads and Chromebooks. These are used to enhance other curriculum areas. They have access to a wide variety of software to support every step of their learning. Children are asked to bring in their own set of earphones for use in this subject when entering the Junior School.

Access the Computing National Curriculum Link here:

Primary Computing National Curriculu

Computing Policy


/docs/KS1_Computing__Knowledge_Progression_.pdfLong Term Planning - Computing

Resources to support home learning - Computing