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The children can visit the library once a week to change or renew their books.  

 Junior School Library 




 We love to hear about your child's favourite books

If there is a particular author that we do not stock please let us know.  As long as the book is approved, we will do all we can to purchase it, we love to have the latest and best books in stock.  We regularly review the various children's book awards and the top-selling books in Waterstones and WH Smith's and purchase them for the library.

Old favourites

We have a programme of renewal or removal for some of our older texts, please bear with us as we restock the library.  

Popular authors and encouraging wider reading.

It's natural for a child to fall in love with an author and read every single book within a series.  At times we try to encourage the children to read more challenging texts, quite often a pattern of reading develops within a year group, we then need to move the children on.  When this happens, we temporarily remove books from the shelves, this enables us to prompt the children to find different authors and widen their reading experience.

Lost and damaged books

It's really important that our books are looked after whilst in your care.  Please keep them in a safe place, away from younger siblings, liquids and pets!  Lost and damaged books are chargeable, the finance office can arrange an invoice when a book cannot be located or has been damaged at home.

Reading Lists for Year Groups

Please check out the Learning Labs for more information about recommended reads for each year group.